20 Cleaning Life Hacks That Students Will LOVE!

Published on 12/04/2016

Being a full time student is hard enough if you don’t have any other worries in your life. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for most people. Between your school and job you have to maintain a social life and keep your side of the apartment clean. Well, we can only help you with one of those problems today. Listed below are 20 cleaning hacks that students will love!

Clean Your Toilet with Cola.

Listen, you’re never going to finish that handle of Jack so you might as well put your extra 2 liter of Coke to good use. Students who have trouble keeping their toilets clean can turn to a can of the carbonated beverage to get the job done. Merely pour a can of coke into your toilet bowl and let it sit for awhile. Don’t worry, this won’t cause any plumbing issues — instead you’ll have a sparkling bowl afterwards. And guys, in general keep your whole bathroom looking nice. You don’t want female visitors to feel obligated to call a few pest control companies because you are dirtying up the place.

Clean Your Toilet With Cola

Clean Your Toilet With Cola


Finally dust your apartment.

Dusting is lame and nobody is ever going to brag about doing it. However, when you have that special kind of company over they will definitely know how clean your pad is. Take a new lint roller and use it to hit those awkward dusting spots – lamps, shelves fireplace mantles and so on.

Finally Dust Your Apartment

Finally Dust Your Apartment