You Probably Never Knew About The Errors These Movies Have

Published on 05/17/2020


Tombstone is a blockbuster drama created in 1993. It had a very sad scene featuring the main character who had the worst scenario happen to him – his brothers being shot and facing death. What killed the drama in the scene was the rain. It was very obvious that the rain was just artificial because there was just one part of the street who received the rainfall and the other parts did not – it looked very funny, but some people did not really notice it may be because of the sad emotions they were feeling because of the scene. But if you would like to watch it again, pay more attention to that scene and there are high chances that you would already laugh instead of feeling dramatic for the scene. 



The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is a blockbuster action and thriller film which hit the charts in 2012. The movie featured tons of action scenes which all looked very smooth, respect for all the people behind the cameras who worked very hard for this movie. In fact, it cost the director and producers $250M to $300M to produce the movie. Despite all the expenses done in the movie, there were still evident mistakes that could be seen. One of the most obvious mistakes was in the scene where Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne/Batman) and Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth) were scanning through Cat Woman’s files. The mistake was the word “heist” – it was incorrectly spelled. There were other mistakes evident in the movie, but this one’s the funniest. 

The Dark Knight Rises