In the United States, once graduating from high school the next big step for most students is college. Usually, students consider a few options before making their final decision. In some cases, it can be a huge stress but for people most often it’s very exciting. Here’s a look at a handful of surprising facts about college in the USA.

Surprising Facts About College In The USA
Impressive Campuses
College campuses are often competing with one another as to which campus is the most captivating and which will win the most students over. When potential students attend college open days to get a feel of the campus culture, the look is always a massive selling point. Some include hotel-like swimming pools, state-of-the-art fitness centers, restaurants, movie theaters, rock-climbing walls, game rooms and so much more.
College is Expensive
Believe it or not, but higher education is in fact really expensive. Many parents save up for years to be able to send their children to college, and still, there are many times that students are left paying their college tuition years after graduating. Its not only the education tuition but other things are included such as dorms, meals, textbooks and so much more.
Girls vs Boys
Across all socioeconomic classes, women are increasingly enrolling in colleges and universities. Research has suggested 775,000 male students enroll in college each year as opposed to 1,575,000 female students enroll each year. This is naturally reflected in school populations where women are often the majority.
Study Abroad
No matter how amazing college or university is, more often than not schools usually encourage you to travel and study abroad. It’s without a doubt a life-changing experience and now more than ever there are many options available. Although it can be costly, its always highly recommended.
Parties & Alcohol
This may be an obvious fact to everyone, but parties and alcohol are a huge part of college life. Whether you’re hosting the party or drinking at off-campus parties, its all part of the culture, and nearly every student does it. A recent study suggested that the average college student attends 62 parties a year. Its no wonder they say college is the best years of your life!
Most Popular Major
If you’re looking to pick your major and unsure of what to choose. Perhaps you’d like to go with what the most popular major out there is….can you guess what it is? Yes, that’s correct its business! Now, this may not be everyone’s first choice but it is a choice for many people, but obviously you do all your research before finalizing anything.