Did You Know That Petroleum Jelly Can Solve So Many Household Problems?

Published on 09/10/2020

Take Off Your Makeup

If you put on a ton of makeup, you have to take it all off before you go to sleep! It is not enough to wash it off using a face cloth. Besides, do you really want to ruin the fabric with eyeshadow and lipstick? The best thing to do is to put on a little petroleum jelly. Put Vaseline on a Q-tip or cotton swab before you use it to wipe your eyelids to take the makeup off. After this, just wash your face and rinse as needed.

Take Off Your Makeup

Take Off Your Makeup


Put On Nail Polish Seamlessly

It is a given that you will make a mess when giving yourself a manicure unless you are a pro. The good news is that it is possible to avoid excess nail polish and drips with the use of Vaseline. Add petroleum jelly to a Q-tip and then rub your cuticles with it. After this, you can put on the nail polish of your choice. It will make the excess polish easier to wipe off. Not only that, but it also moisturizes the cuticles!

Put On Nail Polish Seamlessly

Put On Nail Polish Seamlessly