20+Ways You Can Use Baking Soda That Most People Won’t Know

Published on 01/07/2020

Relieve Bee-stings

Nobody wants to be stung by a bee. When we hear the annoying buzzing, we flee to the hills. However, the little monsters continue to find their way to us. If you do happen to get a nasty bee sting, fear not; baking soda will come to your rescue.

Relieve Bee-stings


Unblock Stuffy Nose

If your cold has persisted and you’ve been suffering from a stuffy nose, give this amazing hack a try. In warm water, combine a quarter teaspoon salt and a quarter teaspoon baking soda (8 ounces). Using a bulb syringe or, if you have one, a nasal irrigation kit, squirt the water into your nose. Keep one nostril closed while squirting the mixture into the other. Then allow it to drain.

Unblock Stuffy Nose