Do You Agree That These Are The Greatest Songs In Music History?

Published on 03/09/2021

R. Kelly’s industrial metaphors for booty-knockin’ in “Ignition” are a little more sophisticated than they could have been; the lyrics were downplayed at the request of a Chicago radio station. The initial version of the song was followed immediately by the popular remix on Chocolate Factory.

'Ignition (Remix)' R. Kelly

‘Ignition (Remix)’ R. Kelly


The wriggling of a praying mantis that VanWyngarden and Goldwasser kept in college helped inspire the rhythm. VanWyngarden decided to write about rock-star desires (“I’ll move to Paris, shoot some heroin”), though this is difficult to ascertain how sarcastically he meant the words. “Some people believe we’re drug addicts. Others see the sarcasm, while others see the irony, “he stated, “As a lyricist, that’s what I hope for: confusion!”

'Time To Pretend' MGMT

‘Time To Pretend’ MGMT