A blind husband regains his sight, but doesn’t tell his wife and realizes he’s been lied to for years.

Published on 12/12/2024

Taking the law into your own hands

Insecure and desperate, Mark decides that he needs to solve the problem on his own. He felt an intense desire to uncover the whole truth, to leave nothing unanswered. Suspicion continually consumed him, pushing him even further into action. He devoted his evenings to planning his next actions, defining the times and places where he could discreetly observe Emily. He was aware that this could further widen the distance between them, but the urgency for answers overcame his fear.

Fazer Justiça Com As Próprias Mãos

Taking Justice into His Own Hands


Secret recording

Mark starts secretly recording Emily’s phone calls and outings in order to gather solid evidence. He placed small cameras around the house and a voice recorder next to the telephone. Every press of the record button felt like a breakthrough in infidelity, but he couldn’t stop it. He spent days painstakingly reviewing the recordings, looking for any hint of a clue. Every stifled conversation, every whispered word became a possible clue to uncovering the truth.

Gravação Secreta

Secret Recording