Hidden diary discovered
Mark finds a hidden diary in the back of Emily’s closet, containing details of years of secrets she has tried to keep from him. The diary was hidden among worn clothes and boxes, and its appearance was almost coincidental. Mark felt his hands tremble as he took out the book and flipped through the pages. Each gate was decorated with meticulous writing and dates covering the entire event. He felt his heart beat faster as he read the first few lines, which described devastating truths.

Hidden Diary Discovered
The truth revealed
The diary indicates that Emily has been receiving considerable amounts of money to keep Mark out of the loop about their real relationship. According to the records, the real Mark disappeared years ago in enigmatic events. Emily was paid to sustain the illusion with a clone. As I read more, I got sicker. The life I experienced was an act, planned almost from the beginning. When Mark closed the diary, his hands were shaking.

The Truth Revealed