Looking for more clues
He is intrigued, yet confused, as he analyzes bank statements and notes in search of more clues. He examined receipts, some from luxurious establishments he didn’t know she frequented. Emily’s handwriting on stickers was scattered across his desk, with cryptic messages and contact numbers. Mark recorded everything he considered the slightest bit dubious. Each new finding generated more questions, not answers. He was aware that he couldn’t stop now, not until he knew the truth in its entirety.

Looking for more clues
The secondary account
He identifies a second bank account in Emily’s name, with significant and unexplained deposits. Surprised, Mark stares at the screen, unable to understand the numbers. Where was this money obtained? He printed out pages of data, emphasizing dates and amounts. The deposits were frequent and significant, intensifying his fears. Why would Emily hide such a crucial aspect of her finances? Mark began to lose confidence in his wife.

The Secondary Account