30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

Get Lost

To clarify, we are all in favor of providing assistance to search and rescue operations. It is only that we were thinking about some of the more typical methods to do it, which is to say that we were thinking of them in a little and narrow-minded way. I’m referring to activities such as fundraising or volunteering. It would appear that we needed to think creatively on our feet and venture out into the wilderness to explore the unmarked pathways of some deserted forest. Please accept our gratitude for bringing that alternative to our attention.

Get Lost

Get Lost


What’s Wrong With a Prius?

We applaud this driver’s sense of humor because it is impossible for anyone to make fun of their own vehicle in such a manner. However, we are curious about the types of complaints that consumers have regarding Prius automobiles. Despite the fact that they are not the Batmobile, don’t they fulfill all of the functions that one would anticipate a car to perform? How come they don’t have conventional wheels, seats, a petrol tank, or feelings just like everyone else? Although it’s possible that sentiments aren’t it, surely the other things are sufficient?

What's Wrong With A Prius

What’s Wrong With A Prius