30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

Was I Speeding, Officer?

The sticker in question is quite adorable. We are curious as to whether or not it was ever utilized in the manner it was intended for it. Do you believe that a law enforcement officer ever actually pulled over this vehicle as a result of this little joke? In the event that this is the case, we hope that the driver did not commit any egregious offenses and that the sticker was able to put the officer in a positive frame of mind to avoid issuing them a ticket.

Was I Speeding, Officer

Was I Speeding, Officer


We Appreciate the Honesty

This particular individual is referring to things by their true name, in contrast to the majority of the bumper stickers that we see on the road, which are designed to extol the vehicle and the driver who is currently operating it. This particular driver is not one to sugarcoat things, let alone their vehicle, even though the car in question is not the best, and neither is the neighboring garage.

We Appreciate The Honesty

We Appreciate The Honesty