30+ Funny Bumper Stickers: Honk If You’re Laughing

Published on 06/13/2024

What a Bargain

The appearance is that someone is holding a sale. This is a knockout blow! That seems like a fairly decent value to me. That is, if you are seeking for a fight to take place. Despite the fact that we have never been in the market for such services, we can certainly think of a few locations where this may be successful. These include late evenings surrounding questionable bars, dark alleyways, and the areas outside of stadiums after major sporting events. We are already able to detect the potential for commercial success.

What A Bargain

What A Bargain


College Is Overrated Anyway

The honor student complex, oh my goodness. One of the most typical ways that life might strike you in the face is probably something like that. The delusion that if you achieve excellent grades in school, it will somehow reveal anything about who you are as a person or about the kind of success you will find in the future. What an adorable falsehood.It is not until we reach a certain age that we come to the realization that life is unpredictable and that standardized tests are an artificially constructed fiction. Hopefully, by the time we get it, we will have reached an age where we can have a bumper sticker that perfectly captures the essence of this experience.

College Is Overrated Anyway

College Is Overrated Anyway