40 Of The Best Campuses With The Best Women Inside And Out

Published on 08/02/2023

20. University of South Florida

The University of South Florida is one of the ten largest universities in the country, although this fact is not as widely recognized as it ought to be. Top Ten, people! If you count the number of students, it has the ninth-largest university in the United States! Perhaps the temperate climate, sunny days, and late hours influence students’ decision to attend a university in South Florida to earn their degrees. Now, isn’t it a really good argument? Every fun-loving college student wants to show off their gorgeous sun-kissed skin tone and golden complexion during a party.

20. University Of South Florida

20. University Of South Florida


19. University of Washington

The University of Washington is preferred by students who value nature and a setting that is less urbanized. This university is an excellent option because it has a lot of open space, clean air, and natural factors that are known to inspire and drive people. For your knowledge, the view of Mt. Ranier is breathtaking from the university grounds. The school itself is located by the edge of Portage and Union Bays, if that weren’t enough of a draw. Additionally, there is plenty of room for students who prefer going for daily runs or playing sports outside!

19. University Of Washington

19. University Of Washington