40 Of The Best Campuses With The Best Women Inside And Out

Published on 08/02/2023

24. Ohio State University

The largest university in the nation and the top-ranked public institution in Ohio is Ohio State University, which occasionally trails Texas in comparison rankings. In such a big population, how on earth could you not discover pretty girls? Since having a sample size of 25k+ merely indicates being in good health! The university is bustling all throughout, and you might go looking for the girl of your dreams in particular locations. Although we wouldn’t describe OSU as a party school, everything is attainable there provided you put in the necessary effort.

24. Ohio State University

24. Ohio State University


23. University of Kentucky

Did you know that the University of Kentucky is frequently cited as having the SEC’s best attractive female athletes by Playboy magazine? That is unarguable given that Kentucky women are among the most endearing individuals you will ever encounter. Going to any basketball game on this campus will demonstrate how much the girls adore the game—possibly even more so than the players themselves! They have a way of maintaining the excitement throughout the game that is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

23. University Of Kentucky

23. University Of Kentucky