The cat refuses to leave the toilet. The owner sees what’s underneath and calls the police.

Published on 06/06/2024

The agent arrives

About twenty minutes later, an official arrived. He knocked on Sandra’s door and when she opened it, it was a young civil servant checking his phone. At first, he wanted a coffee and didn’t seem interested in inspecting the sewers. Sandra’s astonishment at his lack of interest and rudeness was great. She was desperate for help, but this young policeman seemed more interested in his phone than in her problem. She tried to remain polite, but was frustrated and wanted to settle the matter. She asked him to come in and look at the sewers, but he just shrugged. Sandra was shocked and couldn’t believe this official didn’t see the urgency of the situation. She wanted to confront him immediately to ask for a more experienced policeman, but she wasn’t sure anyone else would come if she sent him away. He had no idea…

Der Beamte Kommt

The officer arrives


A quick exit

The officer was obviously planning to get Sandra to have the sewer inspected by a specialist. Being young and ambitious, he wanted to finish the call quickly. Before leaving, Sandra agreed to let him examine Missy first, which he did since he wanted to show his knowledge and experience and seemed to reject the idea of a specialist. Little did he know that he was about to make an important discovery. The officer walked over to the sink and looked inside. He thought it was cute that Missy was snuggled up there, but he didn’t understand how this could be important to his investigation. Just as he was about to ask Sandra why he should look for Missy, he noticed something strange. He smelled the odor Sandra had mentioned; he noticed the particular strength in that area, was intrigued and understood the need for further research. He asked Sandra to explain the situation

Ein Schneller Abgang

A quick start