The Top Celebrities Who Swore Off Drinking

Published on 02/01/2022

Rob Lowe

The reality TV personality made it apparent that he has been sober for over fifteen years after sending a cheerful tweet in 2013 marking his sobriety anniversary. We’re ecstatic for him since he’s been clean for almost 15 years! “She inspired me to get sober. She’s put up with my defects of character as they call it. In sobriety the lessons keep coming if you’re lucky enough to be along as long as I have.”

Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe


Calvin Harris

Despite his profession, which is often associated with drinking, the Scottish DJ revealed in an interview with the BBC that he had given up alcohol for the better. Harris spoke what he was thinking. “I stopped drinking because it actually was making me ill. It was affecting my brain in the worst way.”

Calvin Harris

Calvin Harris