Unvarnished – You’ve Never Seen These Stars This Way

Published on 06/28/2024

Thea Gottschalk

Thea Gottschalk was the wife of television star Thomas Gottschalk for more than four decades. In order to take care of her famous husband’s management, the commercial artist gave up her own profession back in the 1970s. The two were famous for their impressive performances on the red carpet, where they seemed to outdo each other in extravagant outfits. For Thea, of course, this also included a sufficient amount of make-up. No wonder we almost didn’t recognize her without make-up. Nevertheless, we believe that the young-at-heart Thea has nothing to hide. However, we have to admit that we also love her chic looks.

Thea Gottschalk

Thea Gottschalk


Olivia Jones

As a travesty artist, make-up is of course an integral part of the profession. But Olivia Jones is also allowed to wear a lot of it. Olivia always appears with glittering and eye-catching outfits and color-coordinated make-up for television and stage appearances. That’s why Germany’s most famous drag queen can still shop in a supermarket without being recognized despite her popularity. The almost inconspicuous-looking Oliver Knöbel hides behind the glamorous get-up. He always slips into the role of Olivia Jones when Hamburg’s nightlife calls, and he wants to wow his audience on stage.

Olivia Jones

Olivia Jones