Say Your Goodbyes Because These Restaurant Chains Are Closing Locations

Published on 12/22/2019

Pizza Rev

Even though Pizza Rev has only been around for 8 years, it’s already managed to make a mark. This was California’s answer to Pie Five that allowed customers to quickly grab pizzas during their lunch break. While the idea has caught on in other states, its rapid expansion is now having some issues here and there. In 2019, they’ve closed as many as 9 locations during 2019.

Pizza Rev

Pizza Rev


Eat ‘N Park

For 70 years, the residents of West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio enjoyed Eat ‘N Park’s food. Even though the restaurant is doing fine on the business end, Ohio residents had 5 different restaurant locations close during 2019. Still, the other branches which are left are being upgraded, so there’s a silver lining.

Eat ‘N Park

Eat ‘N Park