Over 30 Of The Greatest And Worst Deals You’ll Find At Costco

Published on 03/09/2020

Buy: Verka organic yogurt

If you spend a bit more, you can purchase a 64-ounce tub of Verka organic yogurt than a 16 ounce one at the supermarket. Despite what you think, it can stay on the shelf for a long time and tastes delicious! This is the best yogurt choice Costco offers.

Buy Verka Organic Yogurt

Buy Verka Organic Yogurt


Skip: Las Fortunitas tortilla chips

If you can find Las Fortunitas chips at Costco, then you better run away because this bag will never be finished anyway. You will probably through them out, and Fooducate rates them a B-minus because they have hydrogenated oils.

Skip Las Fortunitas Tortilla Chips

Skip Las Fortunitas Tortilla Chips