Skip: Hummus
Unless you’re throwing a big party, which is highly unlikely during the time of a global pandemic, you really shouldn’t buy Costco’s hummus. Firstly the tub is massive, meaning more than likely it’s going to go to waste at some point. It’s best to stick with smaller portions from other traditional grocery stores.

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Skip: Jerky
Most people assume that as beef jerky is preserved with salt and other spices that it will stay fresh for quite some time. Well, no, that’s not always the case. Whether it’s turkey, beef, or chicken, as soon as the snack is opened, it needs to be refrigerated straight after it’s opened. And anyways, most jerky packages should be consumed within 3-4 days of opening, even if it’s been refrigerated. So, for this reason, buying in bulk from Costco may not always be the best thing.

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