Strange Blue Boat Halted by Coast Guard—What Was Inside Stunned Them

Published on 11/15/2024

Out of the ordinary

Since the boat didn’t appear to be very big, they should have been able to bring it close with a full crew of powerful pulling men. However, the enigmatic object refused to move. Instead, they were dragged forward in their own boat. “What is this thing?The captain’s voice was trembling.

Out Of The Ordinary

Out Of The Ordinary


A glimpse of what’s to come

“This item is more complicated than it first appears. As their two ships eventually made contact, one of the crew members said, “We’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg.” However, the captain ordered him and a colleague to lead the inquiry, so this crew member would later come to regret saying this.

A Glimpse Of What's To Come

A Glimpse Of What’s To Come