A Cop Declined To Drive His Vehicle Away From The EMT, Then This Happened

Published on 01/15/2021

As A-Team

They managed to go to the medical facility, and in the collision, the injured people received the treatment they deemed necessary. He, like his companion, also had a great, long laugh. It made the day feel a little stressful and reminded them that everyone was a big team, even those you didn’t even expect.

As A Team

As A Team


A Thread

Troy was so surprised and delighted by what happened on a thread called “Petty Revenge.” he was forced to share it with Reddit. Once again, the stars had connected with the cop. And the readers loved it. The post has since received tons of replies. Several other Redditors could not truly believe the audacity of the rookie cop and were also impressed. Some decided to share similar stories of their own.

A Thread

A Thread