Reality Shows That Fooled Everyone

Published on 06/07/2024

Don’t believe everything they say on TV, especially if we are talking about reality shows. The media -especially TV- are specialists in showing us only the angles of the things they want us to see. When the purpose is entertainment, deception can be harmless and we let it pass. In this list, you will find some fake reality shows that surely managed to fool you into believing things that were not reality. Shall we discover them?

The South Beach Tugboats

“The South Beach Tugs” was a reality show produced by Jennifer Lopez that lasted four seasons. In it we saw Bernice in action with all her overwhelming personality, who managed to become an iconic character of the series.

Los Remolcadores De South Beach

The South Beach Tugs

The show was absolutely over the top and unbelievable, but we miss it. “The South Beach Tugs” has memorable episodes that will forever be held in our hearts, like when Bernice flipped a car over with her bare hands.


Duck Dynasty

This show features the Robertson family, who had a business dedicated to duck hunting and selling accessories for hunters. But the reality show wasn’t about that, it was about the conflicts that arose around the business.

Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty

With fights, insults and scripted arguments, the family won the audience’s support, even when one of them made homophobic statements. The network tried to pull the show but had to backtrack.