30+ World’s Most Forbidden Territories

Published on 07/11/2023

Snake Island, Brazil

One of the most venomous and prohibited creatures on the planet lives on an island off the coast of Brazil: the golden lancehead viper. Snake Island, also known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, is a small landmass covered in dense vegetation and home to hundreds of venomous snakes, with one snake per square meter estimated. The golden lancehead snake, which can kill a human in hours and is found only on this island, is one of the world’s most venomous snakes. With the exception of a few select scientists and researchers, the Brazilian government has prevented visitors from approaching the island owing to the threat posed by the snakes. The island’s history is similarly shrouded in mystery, with tales of pirates, treasure, and buried military sites adding to its allure. The threat of snakebite death for those brave enough to visit Snake Island serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of human life and nature’s ability to defend itself.

Snake Island, Brazil

Snake Island, Brazil


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a global biodiversity resource concealed deep within a mountain on a remote Arctic archipelago. This massive underground facility dug out of permafrost and protected by concrete walls and steel doors houses millions of seed samples from all over the world. The seeds, stored at -18°C (-0.4°F), serve as a backup for the world’s agricultural diversity, protecting against crop losses caused by natural disasters, climate change, or man-made calamities. The vault is designed to survive virtually any threat, from nuclear war to global pandemics. Despite its importance, the seed vault is officially closed to the public, with only a few international scientists and professionals permitted access to its inner sanctuary. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is not only a technological and scientific marvel, but it also exemplifies humanity’s collective commitment to safeguard the planet’s natural resources for future generations.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway