30+ World’s Most Forbidden Territories

Published on 07/11/2023

Area 51, New Mexico

Area 51, hidden away in Nevada’s harsh deserts, has become synonymous with secrecy and conspiracy. For decades, the US Air Force’s top-secret military site has been shrouded in mystery, generating wild tales of alien encounters, secret weapon development, and government cover-ups. The site has been linked to a number of unexplained phenomena, including the infamous Roswell UFO incident in 1947, and its secret operations have inspired countless novels, movies, and television shows. Despite its popularity, the US government officially acknowledged Area 51’s existence in 2013, and access to the base is strictly prohibited, with high-tech surveillance systems and armed guards deterring any would-be trespassers. The allure of the unknown, as well as the terror of what lies beyond the barbed wire fence, have made Area 51 one of the most forbidden and fascinating places on the world, as well as a symbol of humanity’s insatiable thirst for knowledge and discovery.

Area 51, New Mexico

Area 51, New Mexico


Room 39, North Korea

Room 39, also known as Bureau 39, is a shadowy North Korean organization suspected of participating in criminal activities to produce foreign currency for the country. It is believed to have been established in the late 1970s and is accused of counterfeiting foreign currency, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities. Room 39 is a fascinating example of North Korea’s efforts to dodge international sanctions while also making revenue. Unfortunately, due to its confidentiality, it is no longer open to the public.

Room 39, North Korea

Room 39, North Korea