These Are The Women That Helped Establish Fox News In The Industry

Published on 09/30/2020

Sara Carter

The Fox News contributor by the name of Sara Carter has her podcast called “The Sara Carter Show”. She has worked as a national security reporter for Circa News before becoming an investigative reporter for Fox. She could be seen on a plethora of national shows, both on and off Fox. Carter has also had an amazing career, as she was with the LA News Group, The Washington Examiner, and The Washington Times.

Sara Carter

Sara Carter


Cheryl Casone

Back in 2007, Cheryl Casone Joined the Fox Business Network. She also read reports on Fox News Network as well. An alum of Northern Arizona University, Casone is known for her commentary to Fox, as well as her financial contributions. She also provides weekly reports on the job statistics in America. She has also written a book called “The Comeback: How Today’s Moms Reenter the Workplace Successfully”, which discusses the challenges to mothers coming back to work from maternity leave and how they can overcome those challenges

Cheryl Casone

Cheryl Casone