Vacuum every nook and cranny of the car with the cardboard tube of the paper towel roll
When buying expensive vacuum cleaner accessories isn’t an option, a practical and economical solution is at hand. Using a simple cardboard tube, which you attach to the end of the vacuum cleaner by gluing or taping, you create an improvised nozzle. This enables you to reach the sides of seats, air vents and any nooks and crannies requiring thorough cleaning. An ingenious trick that offers an affordable alternative to specialized vacuum cleaner attachments.

Vacuuming the smallest nooks and crannies of the car with the cardboard tube of a paper towel roll
Plugging a leak in the engine compartment with chewing gum
To temporarily stop a leak in your car’s engine compartment, chew mint or gum and apply it to the hole where the leak originated. This trick offers temporary respite, allowing you to drive until a professional repair can be carried out by a mechanic. It’s important to stress that this is a short-term solution, and permanent resolution of the problem requires professional intervention to ensure everyone’s safety and the health of the engine.

Plugging An Engine Compartment Leak With Chewing Gum