Effortlessly demisting your car with supermarket potatoes
A simple trick uses a common kitchen product: potatoes. If your car has defrosting problems and the window defogging function isn’t enough, take a raw potato and meticulously rub the skinless side over the glass. The starch in the potato will prevent water from condensing, thus solving future defrosting problems. No need to make a detour for extra supplies; this handy solution uses what you already have on hand.

Effortlessly De-Mist Your Car With Supermarket Potatoes
Clean your car’s carpets with the same stain removers you use for your laundry
Remembering how clean your carpets were when you bought them is nostalgic, but keeping them that way is a challenge. Shaking or deep-cleaning isn’t always enough. An effective trick is to spray the carpets with a homemade stain remover, then machine wash them with your usual detergent. Afterwards, leave to dry in the sun to avoid dampness. This simple, economical method will make your carpets look as good as new. Forget the constant struggle to maintain their original appearance and opt for this practical tip

Clean Your Carpets With The Same Stain Remover Products As For Your Laundry