Here Are The Rules That All Members Of Hells Angeles Need To Follow

Published on 04/13/2021

Certain Charters Have Their Own Dress Code

Charters of Hells Angels follow dress codes of their own as well. Certain arms do not let riders wear shorts. Some do not allow their members to wear anything but black. On the other hand, certain charters do not allow riders to wear camouflage and denim. These rules can come in handy on the road since this lets other riders recognize which arm you come from.

Certain Charters Have Their Own Dress Codes

Certain Charters Have Their Own Dress Code


They Do Not Just Ride In Random Order

Have you ever witnessed a charter of the motorcycle club riding down the highway? If so, you might already know just how much they ride together. These members like to take over the entire road. It might be overwhelming to see so many of them, but there is actually a method to their madness.

They Do Not Just Ride In Random Order

They Do Not Just Ride In Random Order