Here Are The Rules That All Members Of Hells Angeles Need To Follow

Published on 04/13/2021

Outside Disputes Must Stay At Home

Be it at school or work. It is not always possible to get along with all the people that you meet. This also happens among the Freemasons. However, if two people fall out, they are not allowed to bring this conflict to the lodge. Ranker says that it is important for them to abandon all ill feelings at the door.

Outside Disputes Must Stay At Home

Outside Disputes Must Stay At Home


You Have To Vote When Needed

Voting plays a big part in the organization as well. After all, this is what keeps the Freemason lodges in order. But what happens if you do not exercise this right? The Masonic Lodge of Education has shed some light on this matter: “A brother who does not vote is discourteous because he skews the ballot. He becomes the weak link in a strong chain.” These are harsh words, but we can’t help but agree with the sentiment!

You Have To Vote When Needed

You Have To Vote When Needed