Save Money, Time and Effort By Learning The Secrets Of These Household Products

Published on 10/21/2020

Use Dish Soap To Clean The Toilet

If you need to clean the toilet, you should use dish soap. You only need to put equal parts of baking soda, water, and dish soap together. Pour the resulting mixture down the toilet and leave it there overnight. In the morning, lightly scrub the toilet. This is a great way to give your toilet a natural shine!

Dish Soap In The Toilet

Use Dish Soap To Clean The Toilet


Use A Portable AC Device

When it is scorching hot, you will be tempted to switch on the AC. But no one likes to pay high power bills! Blaux Portable AC might be the solution to this. The small cube runs on a rechargeable battery but makes the air a lot cooler! The built-in purifier also gets rid of dust, pollen, and other particles in the air.

Portable AC Device

Use A Portable AC Device