Lace Tablecloths
All our grandparents have this kind of tablecloth, right? Back in the day, lace was seen as something unique and somewhat classy. However, this is no longer the case. While this may have been a status symbol or something impressive, we ask you nicely not to have this on your dining room table. It simply looks cheap! Rather opt for a different, better-looking fabric. Something that won’t give your visitors the impression that they’ve been taken back to the Victorian period.

Lace Tablecloths
Fake Fruit
No matter what kind of fruit it is, there’s nothing that screams gaudy more than a fake fruit bowl acting as a centerpiece. Many people are aware that this is such a rookie mistake. Rather pick up some real fruit the next time you’re at the supermarket, and your guests may enjoy being able to bite into something tasty rather than something plastic.

Fake Fruit