Avoid The Bookcase-Style Wallpaper
Wallpaper is a magical thing, right? However, the trick is to know exactly what is the right kind of wallpaper to use and of course for what room. If you are a bookworm who enjoys being around books all the time, it is best to have a shelf with your book collection in your living room instead of plastering wallpaper with a bookshelf design. No matter how badly you want your room to resemble a library. This is not always such a good idea!

Avoid The Bookcase-Style Wallpaper
No To The Hospital Room Feel
Nowadays, there are millions of people all over the world that are obsessed with a beautiful, all-white home. But the truth is, experts, say this simply looks like a boring hospital ward. Is this really how you want your home to look and feel? We didn’t think so. However, if going simple is what you want, add a dash of color or accent furniture pieces in some places.

No To The Hospital Room Feel