The Quest To Look For An Accurate Portrayal Of Jesus Christ

Published on 08/19/2020

An Improved Image And Feature

Artists were able to make a new version of the Savior. They used features from the older works, which explains why they are different but still similar. Back then, the artists wanted to create an ideal image of the Messiah. When they worked on their projects, they often based the appearance of Jesus Christ on earlier works of art of Him. This explains why this depiction has become so prevalent.

An Improved Image And Feature

An Improved Image And Feature


Original Work Of Art

Here is an example of what we have been talking about. Zeus from the Greek pantheon has always been shown as a long-haired god with a beard. Doesn’t that remind you of someone else? As a matter of fact, Zeus was often drawn in a white robe as well! Come to think of it, this is actually quite obvious when these similarities have been pointed out to you. The artists had to find the balance between adding original features and making the images look similar to the older ones.

Original Work Of Art

Original Work Of Art