Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

A mysterious crater leading to an underground cavern

Caverns are no strangers to Earth’s inhabitants. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have an unusual character. One of the most enigmatic images of Mars we’ve ever seen dates back to 2011, captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It appears to show a depression in the ground, with an opening leading to a possible underground chamber. According to NASA data, the hole in question measures almost 115 feet wide, while the underlying cavern extends for around 65 feet. At the time this photograph was taken, scientists were puzzled by the presence of a circular crater surrounding the hole. When NASA released this image nearly a decade later, uncertainty persisted regarding this mysterious Martian orifice and other aspects associated with this enigma.

Un Mystérieux Cratère Menant À Une Caverne Souterraine

A Mysterious Crater Leading To A Subterranean Cave


It might look like a thigh bone

One of the most convincing methods of establishing the existence of life on Mars, or at least its past existence, would be the discovery of physical remains. The discovery of elements such as a bone would be decisive in proving that we are not the only living beings in the universe. So you can easily imagine people’s excitement when NASA unveiled one of these intriguing images of Mars. The photograph, captured in 2014 by the space agency’s Curiosity rover, appeared to reveal a thigh bone scattered among Martian dust and debris. This left room for speculation about the possibility of Martian life, or even a human presence on the Red Planet. Unfortunately, this time the reality was quite different. It turned out that this thigh bone was in fact just a rock, shaped by the erosive forces of time.

Cela Pourrait Ressembler À Un Os De Cuisse

It Could Look Like A Thigh Bone