Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

No Magnetic Field

Unlike Earth, Mars lacks a global magnetic field generated by a liquid metal core. This absence of a protective magnetic field allows solar wind to strip away Mars’ atmosphere over time, contributing to its thin and tenuous atmosphere.

No Magnetic Field

No Magnetic Field


The red planet is certainly amazing, but there’s no denying that our own little blue planet is a wonder of its own! Which is why the next set of images are ones we’ve taken both of our beloved Earth as well as the other amazing things on the outer space taken by the International Space Station!

Taking The Earth For Granted

The Earth is truly majestic but it is not hard to lose sight of that fact because of all the human-made issues (such as political and social strife, war, famine, disease) and natural disasters. We take the planet for granted because we get so caught up with those issues. However, when it is seen through a different perspective…

Taking The Earth For Granted

Taking The Earth For Granted