Here Are Some Makeup Tips For Women Who Are A Bit Mature

Published on 09/29/2020

Don’t Overdo Your Makeup

Although we previously mentioned that you sometimes have to put on a bit more makeup than usual to achieve what you’re looking for, it is still important to note that it isn’t always the case. Every style of makeup has various occasions when they are suitable. In this case, to lessen the tendency of your face to be a bit reddish, as well to brighten the dull, life skin, you should wear makeup that is a bit warmer than your skin tone but doesn’t overdo it. J. Lo shows us a good example of how we shouldn’t overdo any makeup look and rather opt for the “less is more” look.

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Don’t Overdo Your Makeup


Dabbing Motions

Covering any imperfection with foundation could be a bit tempting to do as an easy fix, but we assure you, this is NOT a good idea. Instead, choose a foundation you need with the tip, and lightly apply them by softly dabbing your face. Although you might have to blend it with your fingers, the point is that it would not seem like a cake nor opaque. Always make sure to keep the dabbing motions consistent.

Dabbing Motions

Dabbing Motions