40+ Mistakes From The Titanic Movie That Viewers Never Noticed Over The Years

Published on 12/14/2023

No escape

Forget about all the mistakes we’ve already discussed. Even if Rose and Jack had met on the Titanic, what were their prospects of survival? They had to flee the third class floor by passing through multiple closed gates, putting their lives in danger. We know that most people couldn’t do it, and as much as it pains us to say it, Rose and Jack didn’t have a realistic possibility of reaching the upper deck.

No Escape

No Escape


The first film’s biggest mistake

Although James Cameron’s version of the Titanic is the one we all remember, the first film about the disaster was released much earlier. It was released only 29 days after the occurrence. We’d argue that this was the biggest blunder of all: wasn’t it entirely premature to release a film on the Titanic sinking less than a month after it happened? Whatever errors Cameron made in his film, he avoided the ultimate one of belittling the victims.

The First Film’s Biggest Mistake

The First Film’s Biggest Mistake