Why Did Experts Decide To Close The Deepest Hole On Earth?

Published on 02/11/2021

In The Antarctic

The alley in question forms a channel near one of the northernmost points of the Antarctic Peninsula. This stretch of sea is full of shifting ice chunks. Some of the pieces are the size of a motor vehicle, while others are as big as half a square mile. This made it even more challenging to accomplish the descent.

In The Antarctic

In The Antarctic


Diving Into The Unknown

Yes, the crew was truly on a mission to check out the unknown. There is a documentary that you can watch to learn more about it. Executive producer James Honeyborne talked about all the setbacks that had been in their way. He even likened Iceberg Alley to “a giant game of Space Invaders” when he spoke to the BBC. The mission was not only hard because of the position. There were other problems as well.

Diving Into The Unknown

Diving Into The Unknown