Disgusting Food Concepts That Baby Boomers Refuse To Give Up

Published on 06/17/2024


Recall the time we suggested Jell-O was unhealthy. We have something even worse in store for you, so be ready for a second revolution of the taste senses. Get ready to be horrified by the monstrous invention that sprang from the 1970s: Aspic. There are a ton of different foods that we can conceive of that don’t have the appalling pairing of meat and gelatin. Meat floating in a translucent, gelatinous cage is called aspic. Don’t let the image deceive you into believing that this horror program is even somewhat edible. If forced to choose, go for Jell-O instead of Aspic. Yes, you read correctly.




Snackwell’s Low-Fat Foods

Baby Boomers, fat-free cookies aren’t really healthy! I’m sorry to break your happy, but you have to accept the harsh truth about your cherished cookies. When a cookie boldly proclaims itself to be “fat-free,” it’s likely laden with dubious ingredients and extensively processed to make up for the lack of dietary fat. Your body were suffering the silent price as you indulged in those “guilt-free” delicacies. If baby boomers want to avoid developing diabetes and heart disease, it’s imperative that they reconsider the foods they eat. Have you discovered healthier ways to sate your sweet desire, or have you fallen victim to the fat-free cookie trap?

Snackwell's Low Fat Foods

Snackwell’s Low Fat Foods