Mom Purchases $2 Ornament, Then She Notices Strange Movement Inside

Published on 12/15/2019

When her daughter lifted and turned over her mysterious purchase to inspect it, something inside it moved. “There’s something inside,” her daughter whispered. She was not entirely convinced, but then something remarkable happened. This is not your average story…

Something Else Entirely

She shone the flashlight on the heart-shaped object to examine it further and she was able to make out a couple of round shapes in the glass. However, upon seeing the substance in the cavity, she knew the object she was holding was not a Christmas ornament at all – it was something else entirely.

Something Else Entirely

Something Else Entirely


Loved A Good Bargain

Plymouth resident Priscilla Bailey loved a good bargain. She could not help herself when she passed a charity shop or Goodwill store. She trawled the dusty boxes and shelves for anything which looked interesting or unusual.

Loved A Good Bargain

Loved A Good Bargain