These Comparisons Are Going To Show You That Perspective Really Is Everything

Published on 03/22/2021

Titanic vs. Modern Day Cruise Ships

There was a time in our history when the Titanic was the biggest ship to roam the seas. At more than 800 feet long, the ship was massive. It was a true marvel on the waters. Sadly, we all know that things did not end well for most people aboard the ship. It is interesting to see how it holds up against modern cruise ships. The new vessels weigh around 200,000 tons and span over 1,200 feet long. We are glad to hear that naval engineers kept working hard to ensure that ships would sail across the globe.

Titanic Vs. Modern Day Cruise Ships

Titanic Vs. Modern Day Cruise Ships


The Hand Of An NBA Player vs. Average Hand

It is not a secret that a lot of NBA players are on the big side. They tend to have big hands, big bodies, and big statures. When you compare an average individual with average body size, you will be awed by the difference. It shows just how amazing their physiques truly are. The fingers seem long, while the palm appears wide. An average person does not have small hands. NBA players just have gigantic ones!

The Hand Of NBA Player Vs. Average Hand

The Hand Of An NBA Player Vs. Average Hand