Worst To Best Presidents In History Of America

Published on 12/29/2020

2. George Washington (1789-1797)

Within his time, the nation’s first president ranked above all others for moral authority, economic management, and overall performance. Washington fought hard for the Constitution, feeling that it was not working well for the Articles of Confederation. Towards the end of his first term, he was disappointed to see the country become more politically divided and set a precedent by choosing to retire after his second.

2. George Washington

2. George Washington


1. Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)

In the C-SPAN survey, Lincoln’s first-place position is due to high ratings across the board, but historians hold him in the highest esteem for crisis leadership. Through one of its most difficult periods, the Civil War led the nation and signed the Proclamation of Emancipation, freeing the slaves in 1863.

1. Abraham Lincoln

1. Abraham Lincoln