The Graduate (1967)
The story of Benjamin Braddock, a young man of interest who moves back in with his parents after college is the center of this Oscar-winning film, The Graduate. While struggling to find direction in his life, he is seduced by a woman twice his age! But their affairs was short-lived because he soon falls for her daughter, Elaine. The film’s progressive plot may have caused a stir among some of its 1967 viewers, but it also gave us one of the most paused scenes in history. It is the scene where Mrs Robinson locks Benjamin in a room and strips naked. The quick glimpse of her body and the helpless look on Ben’s face made the scene priceless and iconic.
Iron Man (2008)
Marvel films are similar to Disney because they are both known for their Easter eggs. The movie Iron Man is a great example. In one notable scene, viewers are shown a glimpse of a movie made three years later. It captured fans of the comics of Captain America and it made Chris Evans a hero. It is in the scene where Tony Stark puts on his iconic suit, and Captain America’s shield lies to the left of him. It only took one viewer to notice it and after that, tons of fans turned to the movie to see the talked about the nod.