Suicide Squad (2016)
So here we have another crazy scene viewers couldn’t resist but pause for. In 2016’s Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie made her debut appearance as the Joker’s female partner in crime, Harley Quinn. It was certainly a remarkable truly memorable performance, it was from the following scene that viewers just could not resist…all that is shown is Quinn lifting up her top. Surpeifshly, the shot was just sufficient for viewers to hit the pause button. Besides that, the movie really isn’t that great.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
In Deadpool 2, our favorite candid anti-hero hires an oddball team of superhumans called the ‘X Force’ to assist him on his ventures. One of the most talented members is the Vanisher, who is your classic invisible man. In a dramatic but quirky scene, the Vanisher along with the others jump off an airplane with parachutes but sadly most of them die before getting to the bottom. For a moment, Vanisher’s true form is shown as heartthrob Brad Pitt!