When you are worrying about something a lot, you might find it difficult to fall asleep at night. You are not the only person to toss and turn in bed while you worry about school, work, or bills. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control believes that 50 to 70 million American adults have a sleeping disorder of some kind. Isn’t it sad to think that a lot of people are not getting a decent night’s rest? We do not know the statistics for animals. From the look of these photos, they find it much easier to get some shut-eye.
No One Wants To Do The Laundry
Laundry is far from the most interesting chore there is. There are times when we start to get drowsy as we put our clothes out to dry. It looks like this was also the case for the cat in the photo. She ended up falling asleep on the laundry rack, and we can’t help but vibe with that. It looks pretty darn comfy.

No One Wants To Do The Laundry
Sleeping Safe And Sound On Her Snout
We can’t get enough of how cute this is. The little piggy fell asleep as it was laying across the snout of her momma. The older pig looks like she does not have any problems dozing off despite this. The baby is a “mini me” of the mom, all the way down to those blonde eyelashes. They look like they are in heaven! Pigs seem to like eating and sleeping more than anything in the world, and we feel the exact same way.

Sleeping Safe And Sound On Her Snout