Resting Over A Watermelon
We have so many questions about this photo. Perhaps these cats travelled all the way to Japan to nap. One of them is lying on a wooden table, while another is dozing off above a watermelon. This does not look particularly comfortable to us, but he is doing just fine on top of it. Who knows? Maybe he has the right idea. When you can’t sleep, it is worth a shot. We can’t guarantee that it will work, but it looks like a promising idea since this cat does not seem bothered by this at all. We will just have to take his word for it.

Resting Over A Watermelon
This Does Not Look Comfy In The Slightest
Well, you do not see this every day. The giraffe might not look very comfortable, but we are sure that it is not easy to look for a comfy sleeping position with such a long neck. This must be the reason these animals do not get enough sleep. Did you know that they need only half an hour of sleep per day? Their necks make them very vulnerable to predators, so they need to be on their guard for the vast majority of the day. There are adult giraffes who can even fall asleep standing up! It is both sad and impressive.

This Does Not Look Comfy In The Slightest