Facing the Shocking Truth
The doll’s tiny lens appeared to stare directly at us, making the moment seem fixed in time. My heart beat as I discreetly asked my spouse what we should do next. We both grasped the enormity of what we’d discovered. There was no turning back; whatever was happening was beyond our wildest concerns. Standing there, we convinced each other that we needed to discover answers, no matter how difficult they were.
Searching for Answers
We spent what seemed like hours looking for information but came up short. Google searches, phone calls to tech-savvy friends—anything that might help. However, none of it explained why a doll would have such technology. With each passing instant, anxiety grew stronger, and our family’s security became an even greater concern. Questions swirled in my head, with no obvious solutions. Our next step was murky, but it was evident that something needed to be done.