Once She Noticed Something In The Photo That Should Not Be There, She Raised The Alarms

Published on 09/23/2020

Various Theories

Other people started to speculate about this figure as well. Some of them wondered if it was a ghost. After all, this is not the first time that a hiker had gone missing there. Meanwhile, other people claimed that it must be nothing but a technological problem or an optical illusion. There were others who claimed that there was a trail that led to the area in question. For these people, it was nothing more than just a regular hiker like everyone else there.

Various Theories

Various Theories


Was The Hype Exaggerated?

A Redditor stepped up to say that they had been the person who had been captured in the photo. According to them, they had been at Dundas Peak on that exact same day and even said that they had been wearing a light grey sweater and dark jeans. It looked like there was nothing more to the hype, but you never know who to believe on the internet. At any rate, it is impossible to deny that social media is a powerful thing. Let us take a look at the story of two Americans who landed in hot water while on holiday in Bali!

Was The Hype Exaggerated?

Was The Hype Exaggerated?