The Unbelievable Vaseline Tricks You Never Knew About

Published on 09/07/2020

Stop Tint From Spreading

When tinting your lashes or brows placing a thin layer of petrolium jelly around the area prevents from the tint smudging and marking your face unnecessarily. It can be super embarrassing to have a black stained mark somewhere on your face. Especially if you are doing this by yourself take any and every precaution necessary.

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Stop Tint From Spreading


Decorative Detailing Added

Yup, it can even be used for decorative purposes. Using a container of the product after the first coat or before depending on the effect you want, brush some vaseline on the wall- the vaseline will not allow the paint to latch thus creating a two-tone pattern. A really interesting pattern can be crested too.

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Decorative Detailing Added